MEMBER RETENTION Archives - Club Management Software - Cloud Based Wed, 10 Apr 2024 07:41:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MEMBER RETENTION Archives - Club Management Software - Cloud Based 32 32 Any gym can gain clients in January – with ShapeNet Software you can keep them signing up all year long. Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:19:51 +0000 New Years’ resolutions are to gym memberships what the prediction of snow storms are to bread, egg and milk distributors. It’s the psychological trigger that gets people motivated to participate. But once February rolls around, the frenzy begins to fizzle and people settle back into their daily routines, forgetting all about the promises they made […]

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Being a Better Gym Manager Tue, 09 Jun 2015 15:54:20 +0000 Using an awesome club management system is certainly an efficient way to being a great gym manager because anyone that manages a gym knows there are a lot of things to do: employee wages, class schedules, personal training schedules, marketing tactics, products, and member retention, just to name a few. So how can one be […]

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Manage your employees fairly and with respect. Don’t play favorites with your employees. When you hold one employee higher than the others, that creates a sense of inferiority which no one is a fan of. Give everyone the opportunity to prove their worth by assigning tasks on a rotation, so everyone gets to do everything. Treating everyone equally and fairly can help ensure that your employees get along and are willing to work together. Keep up-to-date with health and fitness trends. This is primarily for your clients and to assist your personal trainers. Just as fashion changes with the color changes of leaves, so does health and fitness change with new workouts and medical discoveries. Keeping your clients engaged with up-to-date health and fitness trends means better member retention. Clients are more likely to stay with a fitness center knowing that there are new and exciting things to try out every few seasons. And your personal trainers will have better odds in gaining new clients and keeping current ones by knowing the latest health and fitness trends. Give back to your employees and clients. Your employees help you manage the club and your clients are the blood of your club, so every once in a while, throw a party for them. It can be a Christmas party or a Labor Day party, whatever the case may be, your employees and clients will appreciate that you appreciate them. You can even give out free water bottles or shakes. If you’re unsure as to what to do, then inquire with your clients.  As for your employees, perhaps a small bonus or a get together with food and drinks and games. One last thing to keep in mind is to always keep communication open between both your clients and staff. Communication is key to being a better gym manager.

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Extending Your Reach and Retaining Mon, 06 Apr 2015 13:52:35 +0000 Your fitness club has likely signed up lots of new members earlier this year, and that’s certainly great for business. However, now that some time has passed since the New Year, some of these “New Year” members may have realized that starting the resolution to gain a fitter lifestyle was much easier than committing to fulfill it. […]

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A New Feature: CRM Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:56:30 +0000 What is CRM? It is an acronym for ‘Customer Relationship Management,’ which in layman’s terms means a must have tool for fitness centers looking to grow their business. And ShapeNet’s club management software now offers this essential tool. Our CRM provides your business with a system that manages customer interactions, for current clients and future clients. The […]

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Club Managers features page for complete details on what our club management software can offer for club managers.

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Did You Know? Wed, 08 Oct 2014 15:23:12 +0000 At ShapeNet, our club management software offers so many awesome tools that it can be a little overwhelming, so we have made a series of images that showcase some of the tools you’ll find within our gym management software! Your fitness center will definitely want these useful perks. Did you know that…

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Auto Emails Detailed Reports Late Payments Member Status The First CMS Personal Training

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Restoring Stability to Your Club Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:12:42 +0000 There are a few signs that your fitness facility may be failing: the decline of membership sales, the increase of membership cancellations, and/or the disapproval of your facility from members. If you are experiencing any of those signs, and hopefully not all three signs, you’ll need to ask yourself as a fitness facility owner and […]

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Important Questions to Ask Yourself 1. Would you consider your facility a viable business? Take a look at your equipment. If you have equipment that’s worn out and patched with duct tape, your members won’t be motivated to work out and may be disgusted. There are a lot of gyms with new and clean equipments. 2. Do you have the time and money to restore stability to your club? If you noticed those grim signs early on and have a decent cash flow, you have a higher chance of turning things around. If you were late to notice, then you’ll need professional help. We recommend The Retention People. They are leading providers on improving membership retention. 3. Is your current management team truly committed to the success of the facility? Your current management team may be the reason for your facility’s downfall. Assess your management team and replace the malfunctioning pieces. 4. How do you envision your facility should operate? This is crucial because without a definitive idea on how your facility should operate, you will waste time and money. It wasn’t easy being brutally honest as we like to think that we’re not as bad as we think, but this honest brutal assessment is a necessary step in order to restore stability to your club.
Tips to Restoring Stability to Your Club
1. Get a grip on your finances. Remove all unnecessary spending and only pay what will keep you in business. 2. Establish a marketing plan. Do your research and find out why certain facilities are successful and others are not. Go with what’s proven and remove what is destructive. 3. Look into a complete gym management software. You will save yourself a lot of time (more than we can quantify) if you have a complete gym management software. You’ll be able to: see day to day activities, manage contact management system, view detailed reports, reduce management staff cost, and increase online membership purchases. 4. Communicate with everyone involved in the process of restoring your club. Communication is KEY as you’ll reduce confusion and save yourself valuable time. Restoring stability to your club is not an easy process. You’ll have to manage everything with caution and know the risk moving forward and always be prepared to deal with the challenges.

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Are you a Billing Company or a Health Club? Thu, 08 May 2014 13:28:28 +0000 Management software plays an important role in the effective growth of your business. A major component of your software is the billing process and many fitness facility owners are confused about this component. A commonly asked question is ‘Should I manage my own billing or should I let someone else handle it for me?’ If […]

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1. Processing your billing You can run your billing once a month, multiple days, or every day. Companies will charge from 2% to 7% of the monthly draft to provide this service. They will also handle the time-consuming task of contacting members to get updated billing information, which involves phone calls, emails and letters for up to 90 days. Please note that some billing companies will include the merchant fee in this charge. Most will not. BEST OPTION: Having your billing run every day and look for rates under 3%. This will provide your business with better cash flow since money will be deposited in your account every day. 2. Settling money in your bank Credit cards can have money settled by next day, 2 days or can be held for up to 15 days. ACH (bank debit) can settle in 2 to 5 days or up to 15 days. This is extremely important and sometimes overlooked. Any money that you process that is held over 4 days should be questioned. BEST OPTION: Having your money settled as quickly as possible. Reasonable settlement days for credit cards is 2 days and 2 to 4 days for ACH. 3. Merchant account (credit cards) This can become your biggest expense. Fees can range from 1.65%-3.25%, depending on the type of cards that are used. Some companies force you to use their merchant processor. There are other fees ranging for 10-20 cents per transaction. Don’t worry about all these little fees. Just find out what the collective cost to you will be based on your monthly draft. Some companies can provide a cost-analysis. Best Option: Have the option to use another merchant account to ensure that you can always get the best rates possible. Look for rates around 2.5%. 4. eCheck processing (bank account) Rates can range from 10-35 cents per transaction. Additional charges can include a percentage of the dollar amount of transaction. Best Option: Look for a fixed transaction charge and settlement in 4 days or less. 5. POS processing Rates can range from 1.65%-4.50%. Obviously, some software companies are charging extremely high rates. Best Option: Look for rates averaging about 2.5% for all POS transactions. 6. Late Fees When trying to get members to pay their monthly dues, late fees are a way to make sure they pay you on a timely manner. A typical late fee would be $15 to the member. If there are no late fees, then the member will not worry about missing a payment. Some billing companies will waive the first late fee. If a gym has 1,000 members paying monthly, and 10% paid late fees, that would total about $2,000 in revenue from the late fees. Most billing companies keep 100% of these fees. Best Option: Look for a software that allows you to control the late fee amount. Also, look for companies that would be willing to share some of this late fee revenue with you. 7. 90+ day collections After a billing company exhausts all efforts in trying to get a member to pay his or her dues, that individual will no longer remain a member of the gym. Now it will become a clear collection effort. These members will be sent to a more aggressive collection process where the gym will keep about 60% of any money that is collected. Most gyms do not have a good plan in place for this. Best Option: Look for a billing company to handle this process for you. Also, make sure that these members are clearly marked in your management software with a status of COLLECTIONS. 8. Handle membership cancellations and freezes Not all billing companies offer this, but some will handle all membership cancellations and freezes. Whenever a member wants to cancel/freeze his or her membership, that member will handle the process with the billing company. The benefit of this is that the gym can focus on selling memberships and providing better customer service to existing members. Best Option: Look for companies that will handle the cancellation or freeze process the exact way that you want it handled. 9. Customizing the process to reflect your values Most billing companies will handle the billing process exactly the same way for every client. They have their rates and their ways and will rarely deviate. They will tell you this is the way it has to be. Best Option: Look for companies that will have a core framework of a working process. Then, they can work with you to adjust the process so that it reflects your company values. These nine important elements of the billing process is a good list to follow. Some gyms manage their own billing and do a pretty good job. But that is the exception to the rule. The average decline rate for a well-run club is about 10%. If you are near that number AND not spending much time on a monthly basis updating payment information for failed members, you can keep on handling the billing on your own. If not, find someone who has experience handling this and can provide you with many of the BEST OPTIONS.  

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Management Software and Member Retention Thu, 06 Feb 2014 18:03:32 +0000 How are your membership sales working out for your team at the club? Let’s say, for example, you are meeting your monthly sales goals of 30 new members a month. That should position your gym to grow very nicely. But wait !!! You need to ask one other very important question:. HOW IS YOUR MEMBER […]

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HOW IS YOUR MEMBER RETENTION? If you are selling 30 memberships and losing 30 every month, you will have a hard time growing your business. Selling 20 and losing 10 a month, is better than selling 50 and losing 50. I think we can all now see how important Member Retention Management is. One of the best ways to improve your member retention management is to communicate effectively and consistently to your members during their first 2 weeks as a member. Make sure you are meeting their needs and bringing to their attention services that you offer that could be of interest to them. Now you can have a great staff to put procedures in place to handle this manually, but there is one fool-proof safety net to handle this: Have your management software AUTOMATICALLY send out emails and text messages during that critical first 2 weeks in the gym for EACH new member. I have heard many gym owners tell me they are developing a retention plan but just haven’t implemented it yet. There are a few software companies that provide member retention services and have the data to confirm the effectiveness of it. Basically, once a membership is purchased through the system, the software will queue this member to automatically receive emails and text messages about your services for the next 2 weeks. The order and content is designed by the gym owner to make sure the information is relative to your gym. If this is done right, you will end up turning your clients into raving fans that will be loyal and help you more easily and effectively grow your business by keeping your retention rates lower. Clients that enjoy your services will ultimately become long time members AND will encourage their friends to join your gym. Look for club management software provides member retention services because this is a must have for any business. Larry King is the Founder and CEO of Shape.Net Software. He can be contacted at 800.381.2082, or by email at, or visit

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